Game Name : Starship Troopers (2005) System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-07-10 12:34:15 Views : 25920
Cheat mode:
Start the game with the -devuser command line parameter. Then press ~ during game play to display the console window. Type help as a console command to display all the cheat codes:
godmode - God mode
ineedammo - Add ammo
setshake - Turn off camera shaking
evileye - Kill bugs by looking at them
Unlock weapons and tech soldiers
Make a backup copy of the file. Use a text editor to edit the "interface.txt" file in the "mission" folder. Locate the "Excluded" heading in the file and remove all the lines in that area
Extra storage depot ammunition
Make a backup copy of the file. Usea text editor to edit the "st_db_attr" file in the "stta\units" folder. Change the "10000" in position 6 of line 29 to "100000".
Extra equipment
Make a backup copy of the file. Use a text editor to edit the "interface.txt" files in the "mission" folder. Change the various equipment values from 3 to 12 or 18. The values in all the files must be changed for each mission.